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Born in Villena (Alicante) Spain, 19/09/1963

About Rafael Herrero ...

Among the questions to be asked a painter who feels inside the burning creative and wants to dispose of this potential, it is essential to master the procedures, tools and materials to acquire sufficient technique that does not undermine the upwelling of ideas and feelings.

Rafael Herrero has been aware of this need shows the result of this effort the materialization of the objective...

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Born in Villena (Alicante) Spain, 19/09/1963

About Rafael Herrero ...

Among the questions to be asked a painter who feels inside the burning creative and wants to dispose of this potential, it is essential to master the procedures, tools and materials to acquire sufficient technique that does not undermine the upwelling of ideas and feelings.

Rafael Herrero has been aware of this need shows the result of this effort the materialization of the objective world with such verisimilitude that does not hesitate to see pictures of his paintings if they show the mechanical printing of physical models that have served as samples or if in fact the result of his expertise, playing them through his brush.

His youth and obtained achievement makes me suppose that your production does not mean the culmination of a career in the world of pictorial creation because, having achieved what for others is the task of his life, I do not be tempted by a vagabond who finds sublime patronage faithful reproduction of the models not transcend beyond these achievements.

As I know Smith and appreciated his intelligence and determination can foresee a future full of art to him more fully than the present, without necessarily detract today respect and admiration I feel for him.

Therefore encourage those who are now fortunate to know the work of Rafael Herrera not to lose his trail because it is a strong artistic flare that will undoubtedly be a leafy tree that will flourish in every stage of their development and give us fruit pregnant Essence of experiences and feelings.

Now we enjoy the work of an artist as a young man has achieved technical mastery that if they wanted some that enjoy recognition have not yet achieved.

Tomas Llorente Rebollo
Dr. of Fine Arts

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The difference between artistic styles and schools of natural realism and modern Hyperrealism mark the turning to the intellectual abstraction expressionism and contemporary school of his recent address to traditional realism as such, without any interpretation raised by the art. The Hyper-realism is the gateway to what we want to classify as "surrealism" integral of Art.

When hyper realistic rational analysis separated by the symbolic interpretation-in the artistic work-the abstraction of what is real and figurative, it creates the false realism of contemporary schools that are neither in nor out of touch. The Hyperrealism, clarify, is not "real" but fiction.

But if you do a possible integration of these two aesthetic positions (realism and abstraction) in the art of our time, can be achieved certain conceptual fullness of the overall progress of the arts, which is precisely what we find in the paintings of Rafael Herrero More as surrealism here proclaim.

In the "photographic reproduction" of things, which is also in Rafael, "adds" the novelty of intellectual abstraction, raised to the nth power to define a conception of "comprehensive" philosophical identity beings as beyond the art itself. This finding being not an "ism" in the evolution of art, it is a "new reality" captured on the canvas that blends idea, fiction, reason and creation. This "new reality" is no longer hyper-realism, traditional realism, nor because it is creating "ad divini" the whole man, which comes now to history.

The surrealism is both science than art. Universal reality itself is woven of matter that are made the angels, as the overcoming of Cartesian dualism "matter and spirit" or physical-thought. Is unity where everything is at all generic.

Pizarro Sergio García Bermejo
Professor Arts

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If Leonardo in the Renaissance claimed and made a show of good craftsman, returning to the original meaning of the word "art" as work done with the hands, Rafael Herrero feels no qualms about feeling so proud and so worthy as the master Leonardo to give like him, the real importance of the trade of painter putting, for now, on a quest to transcend through his pictorial projections.

Thus has come into its domain to provide jobs podernos admirable, valuable in themselves, by the painter of his conduct, regardless of the banality of what is represented, taking the natural reference model that serve as mere pretexts to project, no messages of their own philosophies, but the manifestation of himself as ruler of his will achieved through his office.

Seeing their work can feel the dull routine of the charged objects, once painted by Raphael, a new value, uniqueness and finishing that is only real in their recreations of actual reality.

Tomas Llorente Rebollo
Dr. of Fine Arts

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It ceases to be real when interpreted and reflected the vision, unique artist that actually makes their own, special and absolute.

Rafael Herrero More shows in this magnificent work, familiar objects that, in the form of support, they become works of art and we betray the "soul" in them is contained, either in style or purpose.

It is comforting to have the pleasure to observe, from time to time, true work of art with a capital.

Concha Márquez
FCM President


Selected National Painting Competition Tomelloso City.

Selected National Painting Competition Tomelloso City.

Alicantinos Artists Association, House of Culture in August.

Alicantinos Artists Association, Department of Culture, Alicante.

Alicantinos Artists Association, Firalacant, Alicante.

Alicantinos Artists Association, Casa de Cultura de Crevillente.

XXIX Finalist Salon d'Automne. Ateneo Mercantil, Valencia.

I Painting Contest General Mutual judicial, Madrid.

Alicantinos Artists Association, Ateneo Mercantil, Valencia.

Selected National Painting Competition Tomelloso City.

LX Current National Exhibition of Fine Arts, Valdepeñas.

Alicantinos Artists Association, headquarters, Alicante.

Selected National Painting Competition Tomelloso City.

Sample Spaces Acea's D'Art, Barcelona.

II Painting Contest General Mutual Judicial, Madrid.

Azteca Gallery. Concha Marquez Foundation, Madrid.

Realistic Moros 75 Anniversary Exhibition, Villena.

Club Nautico Alicante Costa Blanca "Albufereta, Alicante.

I Runner Painting Competition "Corners of my people." Proisa, CAMV, Villena.

Selected National Painting Competition Tomelloso City.

Selected II Painting Competition "Corners of my people," Proisa. CAMV. Villena.

Villena Artists Exhibition. Medieval Fair. Atalaya Castle. Villena.

Painting Competition Runner III "Corners of my people." Proisa, CAMV, Villena.

Exhibition hall "ART LLIURE, Lleida.


Gallery Puchol. VALENCIA.

Solar Boat Gallery. MADRID.



Exhibition Hall of the Real Club Nautico of Torrevieja.

Casa de Cultura de Biar.

House of culture of Almansa.

Azteca Gallery. Concha Marquez Foundation, Madrid


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